70 jahre auto union
70 Jahre Junge Union Südbaden Ingolstadt (peh) 70 Jahre Auto Union in Ingolstadt: Dieses Jubiläum war für Audi Grund genug, sich am Tag des offenen Denkmals zu beteiligen.
参观德国奥迪博物馆(上)——分久必合的汽车联盟时代 - 知乎 Audi’s presence in Ingolstadt began shortly after the war ended: Former employees of the Saxony-based company Auto Union AG set up a central spare parts warehouse at Schrannenstrasse 3 in after it became impossible to secure parts from the Soviet-occupied zone.
100 Jahre Audi - Auto Union Rennwagen Typ C - YouTube Audi has been building automobiles at its Ingolstadt plant for 70 years. The heart of the Group beats in this major Bavarian city on the Danube, where AUDI AG has its headquarters and operates its largest production site.
75 Jahre Auto Union: ATZ - Automobiltechnische Zeitschrift The mission was to keep Auto Union cars from the pre-war period on the road by supplying and producing spare parts. The decision to resume building cars came a few years later. Having met the formal requirements, Auto Union GmbH was incorporated in Ingolstadt on September 3,
Oldtimer-News: Neubeginn vor 75 Jahren: Auto Union GmbH am 3 Der 3. September markiert ein wichtiges Datum in der Unternehmensgeschichte von Audi. Mit der Gründung der Auto Union GmbH in Ingolstadt beginnt für den Automobilhersteller, der ehemals in Sachsen zu Hause war, ein neues Kapitel – nun im Westen Deutschlands.
75 Jahre Silberpfeile - Jubiläum von Mercedes und Auto Union Auto Union AG was an amalgamation of four German automobile manufacturers, founded in and established in in Chemnitz, Saxony. It is the immediate predecessor of Audi as it is known today.
Auf den Spuren der Auto Union - The company today known as Audi was once “Auto Union”. The plant with the four rings on Ettinger Strasse, now as big as the Principality of Monaco, was built in the late s on a greenfield site on the outskirts of Ingolstadt.
70 Years Anniversary Audi Ingolstadt The automobile
Jahre Audi - Auto Union Rennwagen Typ C. Jahre Audi - Auto Union Rennwagen Typ C.